A Fish Fell From the Sky

 Synopsis: A Fish Fell From the Sky – A short novel, or novella at 169 pages, A Fish Fell From the Sky reads a bit like a counter-culture fable but takes one on a unique life story. Dr. Aurora Trout, working in a Pakistani refugee camp is kidnapped by the Taliban. She tries to save the life of a woman, falsely accused of adultery, from being stoned to death. Then assaulted and stoned herself and presumed dead, Aurora is buried in a cheap coffin in the desert. Through the lens of her fading consciousness, the reader is then engaged upon a journey of her wayward life, born to mid teen-age parents, beginning on a farm in Ontario, then to California and to South Asia for numerous years, her story weaves like a fantasy in a hippie dream. Alerted, meanwhile, days before her demise, Aurora’s estranged, long divorced parents – a part Native American father, Joe, and now wealthy upper class mother, Stella , attempt to save her by his calling up an old friend from decades before in Afghanistan. Joe, with his friend, Pasha, now a warlord called Baba Ku, do their utmost to find out what happened to her. It is a race for time as the forces of good and evil play out across their lives from past and present. A helping hand from various iconic spiritual messengers try to influence Aurora’s avowed atheism, including a fourteen year old boy, Johnny Dog, her father’s best friend from youth, who had died tragically.

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