Kennedy’s Ghosts

Kennedy’s Ghost is a phenomenal novel that follows a young reporter as he embarks on a journey beginning in 1960, when by chance he meets a mysterious bohemian bag lady in a coffee shop. Seen vicariously through his lens, and that of certain cold warriors, the story takes readers from the post-war era and beyond into a web of secrets and conspiracies leading up to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Against the backdrop of a tense Cold War and increasing paranoia over UFO sightings and the notorious Roswell crash, various leaders, both in the government and the intelligence community, work to keep the truth
from the public. With the fate of the nation hanging in the balance during a critical election, Kennedy finds himself locked in a battle with nefarious forces intent on holding onto power at any cost. Meanwhile, two teenagers, with family ties to the intelligence community, become embroiled in the mystery, unaware of the deadly forces closing in on them. Based on real events Kennedy’s Ghosts will shake up the reader to the incredible times we live in which resonate to this day.