Synopsis: A Purple Sky is an epic poem written in couplet rhymes and metre, narrated by Zephyrus a living entity in an alien spacecraft. The story begins with three young people, Bob, Ishpa, and Sal, who head into the wilderness in search of an old reclusive native man, Makwa, who Ishpa had met by chance, or was it? There appears to be more going on than they realize, when in late winter close to starvation, they find strange footprints in a fresh blanket of snow near their wilderness cabin. These footprints vanish but lead them to some moose, one of which they must kill to save themselves. Eventually they find the old man and learn of a dark secret he has kept to himself all his life. This secret is revealed as they befriend a strange beautiful alien woman who claims to be his mother thousands of years old. Once adjusted to this surreal reality, they embark on a journey that takes them into the heart of humanity and beyond to her dying planet. The implications are staggering as her legacy has shaped the history of civilization.