Shake-speare: Oxford’s Lost Manuscripts

Synopsis: This is an action-drama and true story of Shake-speare; not the Will of Stratford fable. It is based on true events before, during, and after Elizabethan England. It is also a story about the present day controversy, which is as much part of the story as a result of what happened in the past. In other words, why did this happen? How for over 400 years has humanity been duped by Tudor and Stuart propaganda? But above all, who was this mysterious genius, Shake-speare? And furthermore, where are the original manuscripts? Surely, it’s one of the most profound mysteries that there has not been a trace of a single manuscript from the ‘soul of the age’?

The story begins when Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford is old and exiled to an island off the coast of England. Then we find ourselves in a Shakespeare tutorial in modern day Oxford, England. What unfolds is the realization of a scholar that the Will Shakespeare of Stratford (originally Will Shaxpere, a convenient similarity of names lost down the ages) was a hired dupe to fool posterity from the real identity of the author. As the story unfolds, a great deal of evidence shows that Edward de Vere had been the star playwright of the Royal Court of Elizabeth, and for a time as her paramour. He was a prodigal genius much beloved by Elizabeth until he impregnated one of her ladies-in-waiting. In a jealous rage, Elizabeth banished Oxford from court. Soon bankrupted from his prodigious productions, Oxford, was outcast and despised by some of the aristocracy for his licentiousness, but loved by the common people for his humour and charity.

But in the present day, a scholar, Marc, and his student girlfriend, Amanda, discovered that there had to be something far more threatening for Oxford’s obliteration in history, something political and having to do with the Tudor Succession itself. They befriended an old professor (discredited by the orthodox Shakespeare community) and former Intelligence Officer, who revealed to them that Oxford and Elizabeth had also produced a child, none other than the so-called ‘Fair Youth’ of the immortal sonnets. Known as Henry Wriothesley, the 3rd Earl of Southampton, the fair youth would grow up and challenge Robert Cecil, the aged queen’s minister, in rebellion with the Earl of Essex. Cecil was planning to end the Tudor dynasty by ratifying James VI, the King of Scotland, as the legal heir to the British throne. Marc enlists some of his well-connected friends to help uncover the mystery with the hard evidence that could uncover absolute proof of Oxford’s authorship, and toss the Stratford myth into the dustbin of history. But when the senior master, Dr. Church, of Marc’s Shakespeare program, and also the father of Marc’s ex-girlfriend, finds out about Marc’s ulterior motives in the curriculum, Marc is fired and dropped as a candidate for a PhD. With a definite religiosity, Church, and the establishment are vehemently against any tampering with the Stratford Shakespeare tradition in spite of the vast body of circumstantial evidence in support of Oxford.

In conclusion, the Tudor dynasty is ended when Elizabeth dies, and Oxford’s unparalleled canon of literature survived only to be subsumed under his pseudonym Shake-speare a situation forced upon him to save the life of his son, thus ending the bid for the Tudor succession. To maintain the ruse, and vested interests of the new elite, ‘Shakespeare’ was represented by an almost illiterate malts dealer, and cagey opportunist, Will Shaxpere. The great works were published as the First Folio, financed by Oxford’s sons-in-law, the Lords Chamberlain (so-called incomparable brethren in the First Folio), Pembroke and Montgomery, and daughters. What happened to the original manuscripts? Here is the answer.

Email me by clicking the link here if you are interested in reading the film script.